Posts are showing from Perks categories

Teacher Appreciation Week Freebies

Teacher Appreciation Week Freebies

“Thank you, Georgia teachers. In an uncertain time, I am certain of this: you are the very best of our state." - State School Superintendent Richard Woods. Well, teachers…it’s our week! And this year more than ever, we have earned it.

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5O Store Discounts for Teachers

5O Store Discounts for Teachers

5O Store Discounts for Teachers I think we educators can all agree that we are not paid enough for the great responsibility our job entails. (educating the future generation and all..!) There are many businesses that agree with this sentiment and offer discounts and specials for educators, in stores and online.

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Top 10 Podcasts for Teachers

Top 10 Podcasts for Teachers

Top 10 Podcasts for Teachers: Real Talk for Real Teachers with Dr. Becky Bailey Enjoy a bi-monthly podcast with Dr. Becky Bailey. She is a breath of fresh air and really keeps things relatable and humorous! Her approach to social-emotional learning is one you can apply to your students as well as the adults in your life!

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